Dog Boarding / Scottsdale, AZ / Saguaro Blossom Pet Spa
Saguaro Blossom Pet Spa
Saguaro Blossom Pet SpaSaguaro Blossom Pet SpaSaguaro Blossom Pet Spa
17141 E Dale Ln, Scottsdale, AZ 85262
Business Info
What is the maximum number of dogs you board at a time?
I board no more than 8 dogs at a time.
Facility Info
What is the environment like for boarding dogs?
Your dog will be boarded in my home.
Are there any pre-boarding requirements?
Yes, a boarding evaluation is required to assess your dog's temperament and suitability for the environment.
What are the sleeping arrangements?
Different sections of the house are designated for each family during the night. Both crates and kennels are available, depending on your preference.
Do you offer any updates while I'm away?
Yes, image updates will be provided.
Dog Schedule
What kind of activities do you offer for dogs?
I work from home providing dog training and daycare, so dogs have free rein of the home throughout the day.
Other Information
Do you board senior pets or dogs that require medication?
Yes, medication can be administered.