Dog Boarding / Scottsdale, AZ / Raintree Pet Resort and Medical Center
Raintree Pet Resort and Medical Center
8215 E Raintree Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Raintree Pet Resort and Medical CenterRaintree Pet Resort and Medical Center
8215 E Raintree Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Business Info
What is your cancellation policy?
There is no cancellation fee.
Staff Info
Does anyone stay with the pets overnight?
No, no one stays overnight.
Facility Info
What are the sleeping arrangements?
Dogs stay in individual rooms. There are 5 different room options available.
Are there any pre-boarding requirements?
Yes, a meet-and-greet and temperament test are required before boarding. Dogs must also be up to date on vaccinations.
Is there a live feed of the dogs?
No, but daily puppy reports with updates and photos can be provided for $5 per day.
Dog Schedule
Do the dogs have playtime together?
Daycare is available for an additional charge, which allows dogs to participate in group play.
What does a typical day look like for dogs?
Dogs stay in their rooms and are taken for two 20-minute walks per day.
Do you take the dogs out for a walk?
Yes, dogs are taken for two 20-minute walks per day.
Other Information
ill you take senior pets that require medication?
Yes, medication can be administered for $1 per dose.