Dog Boarding / Buckeye, AZ / CZECH-K9
21323 W. Granite Ridge Rd. Buckeye, AZ 85396
We board dogs of any size, breed, and temperament. We also provide house sitting, in case your pet doesn’t do well in a foreign environment.
If your dog is friendly and an indoor pet, he will be kept inside our home. If your dog likes to be outside, we have a nice outdoor kennel ready for him. Aggressive and guard dogs will stay in our outdoor kennel.
We clean and sanitize the kennels frequently. We will take your dog for a walk or play with him utilizing his favorite toys. We have installed mist fans for summer time and heat lamps for the winter time.

21323 W. Granite Ridge Rd. Buckeye, AZ 85396
Facility Info
What are the sleeping arrangements?
Dogs sleep in outdoor kennels.
Is there a live feed of the dogs?
No, but images are provided to customers regularly.