Dog Boarding near Bradenton, FL

There are 1+ dog families near Bradenton, FL looking to exchange dog boarding favors

How It Works

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Request care

Submit a request for the dates you need assistance with. We send out your request to the best matches based on your preferences.

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Meet local dog parents

Meet your matches for a playdate to make sure the dogs get along. If all goes well, confirm the swap with them!

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Board your dog

Drop off your dog with the host family and get updates from them throughout your travels. Enjoy your vacation worry-free!

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Return the favor!

Next time they need to travel, return the favor and host their pup at your home.

Loving families available for dog sitting

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Bradenton, FL

  Breed: She is a mix of Presa de Canario, bulldog and French bulldog

  Weight: 75 lbs

  Age: 8 years old

  Gender: Female

Greta is such a good girl! She's super calm and chill. But she's also a strong wrestler with a dog who wants to get into it with her. She has some of her favorite dog friends she loves so much she uses all her energy to play hard with acts like a puppy version of herself! Other than that she's fairly lazy, she'll occasionally play with a toy or want to chomp a ball, but more often then not she was wants to relax. She's a bit stubborn and never wants to walk (we go for a carride before 90% of our walks). She comes to the farm with me when I work and roams the market freely, hanging out in the cooler when she can. I try to take her with me anywhere I go. But my other job I work from home so we're just always together. She really has an affinity towards tunnels? She will try to go in almost anyone she sees (as in the water pip things everywhere) I do my best to not let her..she can get stuck if it's a skinny one! She does expect you to share any food you have with her. I make her alot of homemade food. She eats lots of veggies. Pasture raised eggs for breakfast lately. She doesn't love drinking water from her bowl in the house often, but loves Water fountain water so we always have a bowl.. She always tries to drink the nastiest water 🤢. Despite her always wanting to sleep she also loves a good adventure if it's not too hot. We go on little hikes and try to get lost together when we can. She's not a swimmer but likes to walk through shallow streams. Her favorite food is pizza/bread but doesn't get it alot since I don't really eat either. She prefers NJ fall weather and isn't really a florida girl. Her boyfriends name is thor and he's the most handsome boy we both know. Greta was my first foster pup and I had to keep her cause she's perfect. That being said she doesn't come when called usually, and doesn't do tricks or listen much--she lives life the way she wants to and for the most part I prefer that for her (except when she tries to run at big truck monsters) she usually will come to a whistle though, and treats help get her to listen or go where she needs to go.

Exchange dog boarding with loving neighbors in Bradenton

“There’s nowhere else I get to choose both the family AND the dog that will accompany mine!”

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You're in luck! Bradenton, FL has a few at-home dog boarders. They range from cage-free or crate-free environments to parents who strictly believe in postitive-reinforcement. These are families that are looking to exchange dog boarding responsiblities. Join our community today to form your network of dog parents to rely on when you leave for vacation next!

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